Asp server side script translations


I've noticed the following behavior on HTML Tidy with ASP server side
scripting. The following construct:

       <% If (Request.Cookies("NumVisits") > 0) then %> You last accessed
      this web page at <%= LastAccessTime %> on <%= LastAccessDate %> 
      <% End If  %>

gets translated to 

       <% If (Request.Cookies("NumVisits") &gt. 0) then %> You last accessed
<---- Breaks the script!
      this web page at <%= LastAccessTime %> on <%= LastAccessDate %> 
      <% End If  %>

when the & conversion settings are passed to Tidy.  Future enhancement
request: bypass
conversions inside of ASP <% %> delimiters. This would probably apply to
other server
side scripting languages as well such as Cold Fusion CFML, and others.

Darren Forcier
Allaire Corporation.

Received on Monday, 7 June 1999 18:02:02 UTC