
To make it easier to create web pages with correct HTML, I use the
PSGML package in Emacs.  For file-specific settings, it is normal in
Emacs to add some commented lines _at the end of the file_, enclosed
in some key words.  In an SGML file, it may look like this:

<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml
eval:(if (file-readable-p sgml-default-dtd-file) (sgml-load-dtd sgml-default-dtd-file))

When this is at the end of the file, I get a warning from tidy that
there is content after the end of body.  I thought that <!-- --> did
not count as content?

And a very small remark: is it possible to add an option for `make
clean' to the Makefile to remove intermediate files? (I realise that
is currently clashing with the naming of the source files ...  And I'm
not asking for `make install').

Notwithstanding these remarks, it looks like a great tool!

Many thanks,

Frederik Fouvry				  	

PhD student
Department of Language and Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
ESSEX CO4 3SQ				  Tel. +44 1206 87 20 91 (direct)
United Kingdom				  Fax  +44 1206 87 21 98

Received on Monday, 26 April 1999 07:05:17 UTC