Re: XProc test http-request-005

2009/2/10 ? wrote:

> It also seems to me that the last part of the message does not end with
> the boundary. I think the boundary should be there, and it should be in
> the form: "--boundary--".

  Yes, good catch.  Well, the last boundary is there, but is wrong:
"-=-=-=-" instead of "---=-=-=---" (with "--" in front, as for every
boundary use, and "--" in back because this is the last boundary.)

  Speaking of boundaries, I don't understand the following paragraph
in § <>:

    It is a dynamic error (err:XC0002) if the value starts with
    the string "--".

  I think boundaries beginning with "--" are frequently used
boundaries.  Even in examples in the RFCs.


Florent Georges

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 10:21:08 UTC