RE: Selecting Web Accessibility Tools Review Update

Hi Donna,

I am very sorry for the delay in responding to your original and follow-up messages. It is completely my fault. As one of the co-chairs of the Education & Outreach Working Group (EOWG) I took the action item of following up with you and then the task slipped away from me for two weeks. Then the storm hit and lost power some of last week. So trying to dig through my inbox and get messages returned. Please forgive the lateness of the reply.

We are very pleased to receive the interest and effort in making one of the WAI site resources more well rounded and better meet the needs of the accessibility community. Thank you so much for providing some proposed edits so that we can better evaluate how to move forward. Just for reference I would like to insert the link again here to the proposed changes<> to the Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools<> resource.

Process: For significant changes to a WAI resource we have a process that we must follow in order to agree to the scope, work, review and final consensus. In a nutshell (I can explain in more detail on a quick call with you if you prefer) we will first bring this to the working group as an update/change recommended by you. If the working group agrees a change is needed, then we will outline the scope of work, bring the recommended changes to the group, iterate on language through draft and final reviews, and then approve and publish an updated version.

Next Step: My question for you is how involved you would like to be in this process? Do you want to (A) stay involved directly and review group feedback and provide iterative recommendations/language until we reach consensus, or would you like to (B) just provide this recommendation and let the working group pick this up internally to determine next steps and go through the process if the group decides changes are needed? Whether the working group gets to this sooner or way later is a matter of having someone available to work through the drafting of the iterative edits for the group to review during Friday meetings. If you have the time, we could address this sooner. If not it will most likely be lower priority behind our current projects.

I want to be respectful of your time and bandwidth to being available to work through the process. Let me know what you think. I am happy to have a quick phone call with you to provide a bit more detail on the process if needed.

Thank you again for the work so far; very valuable.

Brent A. Bakken
Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services
Psychometrics & Testing Services
Co-Chair Pearson Able (global)

512 202 1087<>
US Central Time Zone – (remote office Texas)

From: Donna <>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 11:18 AM
To: Shawn Henry <>
Cc: Donna Bungard <>; Shadi Abou-Zahra <>;
Subject: Re: Selecting Web Accessibility Tools Review Update

Good Afternoon,

I hope that this note finds you all well. I wanted to follow up on this and see if there is any additional help I can provide. I'd love to be more involved moving forward.

Thank you,

On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 10:57 AM Shawn Henry <<>> wrote:
Hi, Donna,

Yes, Now I can see tracked changes.

The EOWG Chairs will review it and get back to you.


On 22-Jan-21 8:37 AM, Donna Bungard wrote:
> Hi There,
> Thank you for your quick response. I have opened this up so that anyone with this link can edit (we can always track who has suggested what via Google's inherent track changes). Please let me know if this has allowed you to see my suggested edits.
> Thank you,
> Donna
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 9:34 AM Shawn Henry <<> <<>>> wrote:
>     Hello, Donna,
>     Thanks for your work on this!
>     I don't see the tracked changes. I think you need to change permissions for others to be able to see the tracking.
>     Best,
>     ~Shawn
>     <<> <<>>>
>     On 22-Jan-21 6:14 AM, Donna wrote:
>      > Hello,
>      >
>      > Thank you for the invitation to suggest updates to the Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools <<> <<>>>  page on your website. I have come up with an initial draft, tracking changes, that may provide more clarity to users < <>>. Please review it  and let me know what you think. I will make myself available for a working session if that would be helpful too.
>      >
>      > Please reply to all on this note as I am unsure of how our timezones align.
>      >
>      > Thank you,
>      > Donna
> --
> Image of Kanopi employee
> Donna Bungard
> /Accessibility and Community Manager/
> *Kanopi Studios*
> m:    603.502.2656
> e:<> <<>>
> w:<> <<>>
> Facebook icon for Kanopi signature <<>> Twitter icon for Kanopi signature <<>> LinkedIn icon for Kanopi signature <<>>

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 23:28:45 UTC