[en] Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards

Hello Team,

I watched your video on Web-Accessibility. Interesting, good tips, clear 
presentation. I don't code though - must leave this to my Web guy.  I 
will check some more what I can do to improve my site(s)  as I am 
re-building for the next 4 month.

The one thing is your background music: For me, totally un-necessary, 
actually disturbing.  I do ( as a dedicated amateur ) Audio- 
Visual/Video and know more about that than my website work.

Think about it, do you really need all that "dingle-dongle" in your 
excellent presentation?

Best regards, Thomas

Thomas Niemeyer
81. Broadway
South Africa

mobile: +27 72 605 3855
e-mail: clocks@limited-editions.co.za

clocks website: presently in re-building

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 20:33:20 UTC