Re: Reflow (original question)

On 28/12/2023 08:37, Wayne Dick wrote:

> The central problem for reflow is text and two-dimensional scrolling of 
> text.

And I really wish this had been worked on a bit more in the normative 
language, because as it stands, even with the somewhat handwavy Note 2 
about "interfaces" and such, this SC is causing lots of headaches for 
anything that isn't just "a long book of text lines".

On the same note, the example given about users that zoom to 400% on a 
1280x1024 full-size browser also seems to not track - at least from 
conversations I've since had with low vision users. If a user is so low 
vision that they need content to be enlarged, don't they also need their 
entire operating system enlarged along the same factor? Would they not - 
instead of zooming to 400% in the browser - be using some form of screen 
magnification software, and run their desktop/OS at the large size (say 
1920x1080) and then move their enlarged view in the magnifier over the 
page? In which case the scenario for use is not a full-screen/magnified 
browser zoomed to a high level, but perhaps rather a browser window made 
small enough to fit horizontally (for vertical scrolling content) or 
vertically (for horizontal scrolling content) so that it fits 
comfortably in the zoomed-in effective viewport of the magnification 
software? I'd love at least this aspect to be somehow clarified a bit in 
the understanding document, if that's the case...

Patrick H. Lauke


Received on Thursday, 28 December 2023 10:35:39 UTC