DKG talk - Supporting Professional Information Workflows With Knowledge Graphs by Anupriya Ankolekar (Tue 05/09 18:00)

Dear all,

our next talk in the online talk series of our Distributed Knowledge Graphs
(DKG) COST Action in collaboration with the Semantic Web Science
Association (SWSA) is scheduled for *Tue Sep 5th 2023 at 18:00* (CEST) /
Tue Sep 5th 2023 at 12:00 (EDT) / Wed Sep 6th 2023 at 0:00 (CST), and our
speaker will be Anupriya Ankolekar (Co-Founder & Principal Scientist at

The talk will be on “*Supporting Professional Information Workflows With
Knowledge Graphs*”. The abstract and bio of the speaker follow. The talk
will be *live streamed at our YouTube channel* (

*bio*: Anupriya Ankolekar is Co-Founder & Principal Scientist at ModuleQ, an
enterprise AI startup focussed on empowering knowledge professionals through
proactive, mission-critical business intelligence and insights. Prior to
ModuleQ, Anupriya was a Principal Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard
Labs in Palo Alto and an Assistant Professor at the institute AIFB at
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. She holds a PhD in
Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters in Computer
Science from RWTH Aachen. She received the SWSA Ten-Year Award in 2011.

*abstract*: The vision of agents supporting human tasks and workflows gave rise
to the field of Semantic Web, which in turn led to significant developments,
such as web ontologies, linked data, semantic web services, and knowledge
graphs. In this talk, I'll make the case that supporting information
workflows for professional, strategic knowledge work and learning is a
valuable application area for knowledge graphs. Professional information
workflows are complex, role-dependent and stretch across application and
enterprise boundaries. I'll describe examples of such workflows, outline a
vision for proactive human-centred AI support for them and describe our
approach at ModuleQ inspired by knowledge graphs. Key elements of our
approach are explicit representation of professional and organizational
priorities, information fusion of work traces across applications, and
contextual knowledge to interpret professional work and to proactively
identify relevant content and resources. I'll conclude with some of the
challenges and open questions for building effective information workflow

Kind regards,


Received on Friday, 1 September 2023 14:32:58 UTC