sparqlexplorer (Was: Web Charts)

Hi Adam,

> Any thoughts on these preliminary ideas pertaining to "Web charts"? Are these initial ideas possible with existing technologies, e.g., Web Components?

Short answer is yes, you could implement UI components that do what
you describe. Web Components is one option, you can compare multiple
options at

Long answer is that if you do not limit the perimeter to charting the
data and generalize to "displaying the data", you may end-up with
something like

In SparqlExplorer, you enter a sparql endpoint url and the url of a view server.

Then you browse the content of the sparql endpoint by applying views
to the results returned by sparql queries.

SparqlExplorer Views are javascript functions (implemented using any
framework you like) that will bind to a given DOM element of the HTML
page and display data there.

There is a recorded demo at
of a talk at Semantic Web in Libraries 2021.

If you try it on the data from the French National Library you get

True, there is still much to do and it is still work in progress, but
it is Free Software (yay!), so feel free to join.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Thursday, 11 May 2023 06:49:44 UTC