Why is there no rdfs:isSuperClassOf?

Hello everyone,

when formalizing an ontology, there are moments where I prefer to write:

     :someSuperClass rdfs:isSuperClassOf :someSubClassA ,
:someSubClassB ,
:someSubClassC .

instead of:

     :someSubClassA rdfs:isSubClassOf :someSuperClass .
     :someSubClassB rdfs:isSubClassOf :someSuperClass .
     :someSubClassC rdfs:isSubClassOf :someSuperClass .

I am aware that I could define it myself using owl:inverseOf, but 
something that "important", I feel like it should't be defined in my own 
namespace. The same thought also goes with "isSuperPropertyOf".

I see [1] that certain reasoners/species don't allow it, but it isn't 
completely forbidden, is it?


Best regards,
Niklas Petersen

Niklas Petersen,
Organized Knowledge Group @Fraunhofer IAIS,
Enterprise Information Systems Group @University of Bonn.

Received on Monday, 6 April 2015 18:15:05 UTC