Re: web to semantic web : an automated approach

actually i am not a big fan of ontologies. infact i think trying to fit data
into some ontology might be wrong. the problems are that ontologies are
overly restirctive if they are finite and well defined and if they are
ambiguious then they are not ontologies.

eg. take the general example of one's parents. its very normal to have
ontology with parents defined as one father and one mother but what happens
to the case of surrogate mothers, or doner fathers/mothers etc. and what
happens to the adopted kids. how can be their parent relationships be
represented completely with any well defined ontology ? on the other hand
only using RDF without any creating any relation to some associated ontology
might be a complete system.

if ontology is finite and well defined then it won't be complete and if its
not well defined and not finite, well then i would say its not an ontology.

ravinder thakur

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2008 16:03:03 UTC