Re: Potential Pointer Events WG call 22 January 2020

Apologies, have been pulled into an unforeseen meeting. If you're 
proceeding with the call without me, please try and jot down some 
minutes for it. Otherwise...we'll reconvene properly in two weeks' time.


On 21/01/2020 22:11, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> Dear all,
> due to holidays and a heavy workload at the start of the new year, I've 
> let the bi-weekly calls slide. Are we ok restarting these from tomorrow?
> Topic: Pointer Events
> Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, UTC-05:00)
> For call details (webex address, meeting number, password), see 
> IRC: #pointerevents
> At the last meeting end of October we made the final push for FPWD. I 
> would suggest it would now also be a good time to have a hard look at 
> the remaining open issues and GitHub and see which ones are still 
> relevant, and which ones we'd want to/can realistically tackle.
> If - because this is admittedly short notice - tomorrow is inconvenient, 
> just let me know. I can't unfortunately do next week Wednesday due to a 
> hospital appointment, but we can otherwise restart the calls in 2 weeks' 
> time?
> Thanks,
> Patrick

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 17:02:04 UTC