RE: Draft agenda: 3 June 2014

+1 that dropping this is OK

From: Rick Byers []
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 3:28 PM
To: Patrick H. Lauke
Subject: Re: Draft agenda: 3 June 2014

Unless anyone wants to discuss it further, I think we can remove #3 ("Exposing high-frequency mouse/touch movement?") from the agenda.  I wanted to understand IE's position and ask the question whether it should be important for us or not.  Jacob's reply addresses this - I see no need to push for such an API at this time (but I've added it to our V2 wish-list?).


On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Patrick H. Lauke <<>> wrote:
Regreats, I'm at a conference and won't be able to make the call.

On 02/06/2014 14:28, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Below is the draft agenda for a PEWG call on June 3. If you have input
for any of the topics (especially if you can't make the call), please
reply to the list, preferably as a response to the relevant thread/bug.

Also, please address Open actions before the call:


The minutes from our last call on May 6 are

-Thanks, ArtB

= Agenda

1. Tweak agenda

2. Bug 25758: Change PointerEvent width and height to double;

3. Exposing high-frequency mouse/touch movement?; thread started by Rick
on May 30

4. Testing: PR 324 - status and merging; handling additional PRs; who is
going to do what; ...

* PR234: <> ; other
PRs depend on this. Proposal: merge now and then "pick up the pieces"?

* Submitting additional PRs: by Jacob on May 7

5. CR implementation status and updates for: Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera

6. AoB

* No call on June 10

= Logistics

* Time: UTC: 16:00; Paris: 17:00; Helsinki: 18:00; Boston: 11:00; San
Francisco: 08:00; Tokyo: 01:00 (Wednesday); Duration = 90 minutes maximum
* Phone Numbers: W3C's Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200<tel:%2B1.617.761.6200>; PIN = 7394#
(PEWG#); SIP information <>
* IRC: irc://<> ; channel #pointerevents
* Meetings page: <>
(includes "tips" on IRC, scribing, etc.)

= Documents and Resources:

* List Archive:
* Minutes wiki: <>
* Test repo:
* Open bugs: <>
* ED Pointer Events spec:

Patrick H. Lauke<> | |

twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 22:13:10 UTC