Re: Everything in the default namespace?

You would have to use something like *[not(namespace())].

We considered adding a syntax for this, but we didn't like any of the
syntaxes we could think of (eg :*).

MURATA Makoto wrote:
> In 6.2.9, WildcardName is defined as follows:
> [45]    WildcardName    ::=    '*'
>          | NCName ':' '*'
>          | QName
> In my understanding, '*' matches every element type, and NCName ':' '*'
> matches every element type in the namespace assigned to the prefix NCName.
> How can I express "every element type in the DEFAULT NAMESPACE"?
> Cheers,
> Makoto
> Fuji Xerox Information Systems
> Tel: +81-44-812-7230   Fax: +81-44-812-7231
> E-mail:

Received on Saturday, 5 June 1999 02:02:04 UTC