xproc-dev@w3.org from January 2017 by thread

Something for the agenda for the XProc Workshop 7./8. Feb in Prague David Maus (Sunday, 29 January)

MorganaXProc 1.0.3 released Achim Berndzen (Saturday, 28 January)

Some comments on XProc 1.1 Achim Berndzen (Sunday, 22 January)

Status update at XML Prague Norman Walsh (Friday, 20 January)

RE: Anchestor of p:library? Toman, Vojtech (Wednesday, 18 January)

XProc showroom at XML Prague 2017: Call for participation Achim Berndzen (Sunday, 8 January)

xproc.io Christophe Marchand (Sunday, 1 January)

Re: Copied open issue from 1.0-specification to 1.1-specifications Christophe Marchand (Sunday, 1 January)

Last message date: Monday, 30 January 2017 15:54:38 UTC