Re: Trouble configuring custom extension in xmlcalabash

> I'm really not sure, but could it be that the Java "cp" option is not used
> when trying to execute a Jar (instead of a main class) ?

Sorry I haven't followed the thread, but yes in Java if you use the
-jar option then any classpath settings are ignored as the manifest in
the specified jar is used.

If you need to add your items to the classpath then you can't use -jar
and have to use -cp (or -classpath), manually specifying the jar and
all of its dependencies (which you can get from its manifest).  On
Windows you can use wildcards like lib/* to pick up all jars in the
lib, but on OSX you will need to list them all.

Andrew Welch

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2011 08:53:17 UTC