Announce: XML Calabash 0.9.17

Hi folks,

Sorry for the long delay. I'm happy to announce the release of XML
Calabash 0.9.17,

This version requires Saxon 9.2. I highly recommend or later
as there's no way to clear the cache of XML Schemas used for
validation in versions prior to

It's been a while since a release, so it could be buggier than usual.
OTOH, it passes 100% of the XProc Test Suite, so it can't be *that*
buggy, right?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to            | psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and
                              | has fears about persons and things; the
                              | psychotic has convictions and makes
                              | claims about them. In short, the
                              | neurotic has problems, the psychotic
                              | has solutions.--Thomas Szasz

Received on Saturday, 27 February 2010 22:21:55 UTC