Re: Initializing a variable using an output port

On 20 December 2010 13:44, Florent Georges wrote:

> I will try to make a proper standalone repro then.

  Interesting, I got a repro, and the problem only shows up when
I compute the file name (the href of p:store) using a UUID got
from p:uuid.  So with a working pipeline using:

    <p:store name="store" href="/tmp/xproc-store.xml">
       <p:input port="source">

if I change that bit by:

   <p:uuid match="placeholder" name="uuid">
      <p:input port="source">

   <p:store name="store">
      <p:input port="source">
      <p:with-option name="href" select="
          concat('/tmp/', normalize-space(.), '.xml')">
         <p:pipe step="uuid" port="result"/>

then it fails later on, when evaluating the p:variable.  Well, I
thought that was during evaluating p:variable, but because no
file is produced at all in that case, it seems that's a static

  Here is a complete repro (the first one fails as described, the
second one works as expected):

    <p:declare-step xmlns:p=""
       <p:output port="result"/>
       <!-- get a UUID -->
       <p:uuid match="placeholder" name="uuid">
          <p:input port="source">
       <!-- store a doc, using the UUID in the file name -->
       <p:store name="store">
          <p:input port="source">
          <p:with-option name="href" select="
              concat('/tmp/', normalize-space(.), '.txt')">
             <p:pipe step="uuid" port="result"/>
       <!-- store the file name in a var, and create a nw doc -->
          <p:variable name="file" select="/xs:string(c:result)">
             <p:pipe step="store" port="result"/>
          <p:add-attribute match="hello" attribute-name="a">
             <p:input port="source">
             <p:with-option name="attribute-value" select="$file"/>

  The following repro works well:

    <p:declare-step xmlns:p=""
       <p:output port="result"/>
       <!-- store a doc -->
       <p:store name="store" href="/tmp/xproc-store.xml">
          <p:input port="source">
       <!-- store the file name in a var, and create a nw doc -->
          <p:variable name="file" select="/xs:string(c:result)">
             <p:pipe step="store" port="result"/>
          <p:add-attribute match="hello" attribute-name="a">
             <p:input port="source">
             <p:with-option name="attribute-value" select="$file"/>

  So maybe I made a mistake, but more and more it looks like a
bug.  I wanted to test with Calumet, but I don't have it on this
machine and the EMC community site seems to be down.


Florent Georges

Received on Monday, 20 December 2010 13:35:45 UTC