Re: Java 1.6?

George Cristian Bina <> writes:
> From my point of view, yes.
> We still support Java 1.5 in oXygen and having Calabash require Java
> 1.6 will cause some difficulties using it for XProc support in oXygen.

Ok, fair enough. I have no burning desire to upgrade to 1.6, I was
mostly just curious.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | What is familiar is what we are used            | to; and what we are used to is most
                              | difficult to 'Know'--that is, to see as
                              | a problem; that is, to see as strange,
                              | as distant, as 'outside us'.-- Nietzsche

Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 13:53:59 UTC