Re: Terminology: does an XML Schema "declare" a targetNamespace? "specify" a targetNamespace?

targetNamespace is a property of a schema component which it acquires by 
virtue of the presence of a targetNamespace attribute on the xs:schema 
element of the schema document in which the XML representation of the 
component appears.

Which is a mouthful, but to make it fit to go into the spec you would 
have to add appropriate fonts, brackets, and braces.

But the important thing to note is that targetNamespace is not a 
property of a schema, it is a property of a schema document.

Michael Kay

On 27/03/2011 13:36, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> What is the correct terminology with regard to targetNamespace?
>    - Does an XML Schema "declare" a targetNamespace?
>    - Does an XML Schema "define" a targetNamespace?
>    - Does an XML Schema "specify" a targetNamespace?
>    - Does an XML Schema "create" a targetNamespace?
>    - Does an XML Schema "identify" a targetNamespace?
> Or something else?
> /Roger

Received on Sunday, 27 March 2011 13:22:46 UTC