Re: Schema for mixed content to provide backwards compatibility for an element with changing from complex type to simple type

I don't think will be of any practical help,
but patent 7143346 ;-) deals with similiar issues.

Michele Vivoda

--- William S Fulton <> ha

> I'd like to upgrade our usage of XML dates to use
> the XML date type and 
> be able to validate both the old and new xml
> elements. An example of our 
> current xml date element looks like:
> <date>
>    <day>1</day>
>    <month>2</month>
>    <year>2000</year>
> </date>
> The desired change to use the xs:date type would
> look like:
> <date>2000-02-01</date>
> Is it possible to create a schema which will fully
> validate both 
> versions of the date element? I've been
> experimenting and googling for 
> some while now and cannot find a solution to getting
> a suitable schema. 
> I'd like to avoid changing the name of the element
> from "date". The 
> following mixed content will validate both, but it
> will validate any 
> text instead of the XML date type, which isn't very
> good:
> <xs:complexType name="DateType" mixed="true">
>    <xs:sequence maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
>      <xs:element name="day" type="integer" />
>      <xs:element name="month" type="integer" />
>      <xs:element name="year" type="integer" />
>    </xs:sequence>
> </xs:complexType>
> William

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Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2007 03:15:55 UTC