RE: [xml-dev] Two Questions - on XML Schema

True but not of necessity.  When two signals oscillate against each
they reinforce or produce noise.   The problem is to tune them 
and that takes time and a very good ear, so lots of practice.
Web standards are still a folk art and the players aren't 
yet ready for Carnegie Hall.

But the real problem is closed systems can only produce 
systems of the same type.  Systems that attempt to maintain 
the same identity can't become another type of system.


From: Michael Kay []
> Um, on reflection I might have over reacted there.  But let's 
> face it, slurs
> don't come bigger than that :-)

It was just an observation that if you take language X, and try to make
more like language Y, when the two languages have a completely different
conceptual basis, the most likely outcome is a mess. That's quite
independent of who is trying to do it.

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Received on Friday, 10 March 2006 18:48:05 UTC