Re: XSV bug? RE: XSV reports a validation error I can't figure out - desperate


I have a similar problem to that described in Jan 2001.
I have a schema that verifies with XMLSPY no problem and if I put a forced error in XMLSPY finds the error.

If I try to do the same using MSXML (SP2)

It fails to verify, saying it hasn't found one of the simple types declared in one of my XSD.
Everything is declared properly - well xmlspy thinks so.
But I have the xml validated from with in my programming language.

  XML := CreateOLEObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0');
  Xml.validateOnParse := true;
  XML.resolveExternals :=true;
  XML.async := false;

Is there an extra command that is needed.


June Brown
Senior Systems Developer
Strand Business Systems
Email :
Tel : 0208 559 2555
Fax to Email  : 0709201 8471

Received on Sunday, 15 February 2004 09:04:58 UTC