RE: Non-schema attributes

Please ignore my previous message.  In  "Validation Rule: Wildcard
allows Namespace Name"  I see that unqualified names are not allowed.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alessandro Triglia [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 13:14
> To: ''
> Subject: Non-schema attributes
> Hi
> I have a question about the use of non-schema attributes in 
> schema documents.
> Since all schema element declarations contain an attribute 
> wildcard with a namespace constraint of ##other, I understand that:
> - any attributes are allowed on these elements, besides the 
> attributes declared in the Schema for Schemas, provided that 
> they don't belong to the XML Schema namespace. In particular, 
> *unqualified* attributes are allowed.
> Is this correct?   
> If yes, I understand that the following schema document is valid:  
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
>             xmlns:xhtml=""
>             xmlns=""
>             targetNamespace="">
>   <xs:element name="elem1" age="42" type="Address"/>
>   <xs:element name="elem2" type="xhtml:blockquote"/>
>   <xs:attribute name="attr1"
>       	  type="xsl:quantity"
> 	        targetNamespace=""/>
> </xs:schema>
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Notice the attributes   "age"  on the first "element" element 
> and   "targetNamespace"   on the "attribute" element.  Both 
> of these attributes are obviously meaningless, but are they 
> actually forbidden?
> Alessandro Triglia
> OSS Nokalva

Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 14:55:11 UTC