Real world recursive XML schemas


	I am a graduate student looking at issues in XML query processing, 
especially when we use an RDBMS to store the XML data. In particular, I 
am interested in the scenario where the XML schema is fairly complex. I 
was able to find a lot of document-centric XML schemas that are 
recursive. In a traditional data-centric scenario, the only recursive 
schemas I was able to find were like the "parts explosion" case, where 
the recursion in the schema is a single self loop. If anyone knows of or 
is using recursive schemas, and can give me some information about it, 
that would be very helpful. If someone has some information about a 
dataset or use case involving a recursive schema (not necessarily in an 
XML setting) that would also be useful.


Received on Friday, 25 April 2003 12:14:21 UTC