Documentation on refs to global elements

Is it legal for a ref to a global element to have annotations? Can those
annotations differ from the annotations on the global element definition?

It makes sense that a particular binding of a global element into a context
may need special documentation. The question arises when an IDE must
determine which annotation(s) to display with a ref to a global element -
the annotations on the global element definition, the annotations on a local
element, or both. XML Spy displays only the annotation on the global
element, and doesn't provide a means of annotating the local binding. I can,
however, enter an annotation in text view and it validates, at least in Spy.

What should the correct behavior be?


Mark Feblowitz                                   	
XML Architect
       [t]   617.715.7231                                     	
       [f]   617.495.0188
Frictionless Commerce Incorporated 	
       [e] <>

       [w] <> 
       [m] 400 Technology Square, 9th Floor
             Cambridge, MA 02139 
Open Applications Group Incorporated
       [w] <>

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 09:51:49 UTC