yet another problem with global stuff

Still using xerces-j 1.4.4
<persons id="pers">
  <person id="pers2">
    <firstName>J. W.</firstName>
  <person id="pers3">
[guillaume@silbermann xml]$ xml-check data/cipa.xml
[Error] cipa.xml:21:24: Attribute "id" is required and must be specified for 
element type "persons".
[Error] cipa.xml:21:24: Attribute "id" must be declared for element type 
The error message is quite confusing. The first seems to complains about a 
not found required attribute, the second about a found unwaited attribute !

This is local:
<element name="persons" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
      <element ref="model:person" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute ref="model:id" use="required"/>
These are global:
<attribute name="id" type="model:KeyType"/>
<element name="person" type="model:PersonType"/>
Guillaume Rousse <>
GPG key

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2001 09:27:40 UTC