Announcement: Geography Markup Language 2.0

The OpenGIS Consortium has developed a new version (2.0) of its 
Geography Markup Language using W3C XML Schema.  

Three schema documents are normative - 
* feature.xsd defines an XML encoding for the OGC/ISO TC211 
  "Feature" model for geospatial data, 
* geometry.xsd defines geometry elements <include>d into feature.xsd
* xlinks.xsd is a schema for XLinks (actually a placeholder 
  until a definitive version is provided by W3C) and is also 
  used by feature.xsd

Guidelines for developing usable application-specific schemas 
are included as a normative chapter of the specification.  

A recent vote by the Technical Committee of OGC has elevated 
GML 2.0 to the status of "adopted technology".  

Find the specification and schemas with some other supporting 
material at

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Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 04:13:00 UTC