XMLP Issue 411 Closed


You raised an issue regarding preservation of namespace prefixes and
intermediaries[1]. The XMLP WG decided to amend bullet 18 of the text in
Part 1 of the CR WD[2] to read as follows:

All namespace information items in the [in-scope namespaces] of element
information items MUST be preserved. Additional namespace information
items MAY be added.

You can see this text as bullet 21 at[3] ( bullet 22 is the old text ).
Note that several other modification have been made to this section as a
result of CR feedback hence the renumbering of the bullets.

I hope this addresses your concerns, if not please let the WG know ASAP.


Martin Gudgin
For the XMLP Working Group

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-cr-issues.html#x411

Received on Monday, 24 February 2003 06:59:26 UTC