Re: SOAP LC Issue 245

Yves/Carine, 2 actions pls:
-- close 245 noting that it is covered by 299
-- amend 299 to indicate it is covering 245

David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

|         |           Joseph Reagle    |
|         |           <>  |
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           xmlp-comments-req|
|         |       |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           09/04/2002 08:11 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           reagle           |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                           |
  |       To:       "Nilo Mitra (EUS)" <>, "''" <>          |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                 |
  |       Subject:  Re: SOAP LC Issue 245                                                                                     |
  |                                                                                                                           |
  |                                                                                                                           |

I'm ok with this being deferred to #x299 if my concern is linked from it?
(Could a comment be added that one possible solution is just to add nested

On Wednesday 04 September 2002 11:05 am, Nilo Mitra (EUS) wrote:
> Joseph:
> You raised the following issue against the SOAP 1.2 Part 0: Primer, which
> has been marked as LC issue 245 [1]:
> #    Example 5b
> #        <rpc:result>m:status</rpc:result>
> #        <m:status>confirmed</m:status>
> # This is a very odd sort of construct. I know it's just an example, but
> is # this sort of thing expected to be the norm, I would expect:
> #  <rpc:result><m:status>confirmed</m:status></rpc:result>
> The Primer follows the main specifications in this formulation; so your
> issue is really an issue against the Parts 1, 2 specifications. A similar
> concern against the main specifications has been raised in Issue #299
> [2].
> Therefore, I intend to close this issue from the point of view of the
> Primer, and will revise the example only if the main specifications
> change as a part of the resolution of Issue 299.
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2002 13:11:48 UTC