Re: Decryption Transform processing question

>On Tuesday 16 July 2002 11:34 am, merlin wrote:
>> You're recalling my earlier confusion which turned out to be misplaced.
>> The c14n is performed internally within the decryption transform; it is
>> not the signature canonicalization; and it is fixed as standard c14n.
>> This is the final c14n-with-replacement/parse step done by the
>> decryptXML() function. So we have no choice but to solve the problem, and
>> it doesn't have an impact on subsequent signature c14n/exc-c14n
>> processing.
>Let me walk through it in detail...
>  <Document xml:lang="ie">
>    <Foo id="foo-1" />
>    <Signature xmlns="&dsig;"> ...
>      <Reference URI="#foo-1"> ...
>      <Transform Algorithm="&decrypt;XML" />
>      <Transform Algorithm="&exc-c14n;" /> ...
>    </Signature>
>  </Document>
>Since I'm using exc-c14n, the signed form of <Foo> does not have the 
>xml:lang attribute.

You're missing the decryption transform processing which
is defined to perform canonicalization-with-replacement,
even if there are no EncryptedData elements in the input
node set. As a result, the output of the first transform
will include the inherited xml: attribute. The subsequent
exclusive canonicalization will strip unused namespaces,
but not this xml: attribute.


Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2002 13:37:42 UTC