Errata, validating processors: Omission of reference to ”at user option” in section 5.2

Section 5.2 on ”Using XML Processors” begins like so: [1]

  ”The behavior of a validating XML processor is highly
   predictable; it must read every piece of a document
   and report all well-formedness and validity violations.”

Error: The sentences fails to refer to the obligation to
       ”report all […] validity violations” as an
       ’at user option’ requirement. 

Proposed fix:
               Alternative 1:
     Replace: ”and validity violations”
        With: ”and, at user option, all validity violations”

               Alternative 2:
      Delete: ”and validity violations”
         Add: ”At user option, they must also report all validity

Recommended additional fix:
    Replace the word ”must” with e.g. ”has to” or ”is obligated
    to”, in order to to stronger reflect that the sentence is a
    reference to things stated elsewhere in XML 1.0. Avoid seeming
    to define same issue twice.

 * That the requirements to report all validity violations is an
   ”at user option” requirement, is defined in the definition
   found in section 5.1.[2]
 * The requirement that all ’at user option’ features MUST be
   possible to enable and disable, is defined in the ’at user
   option’ definition.[3]




leif halvard silli

Received on Saturday, 8 February 2014 02:06:51 UTC