Re: SOAP and Cacheability

On 19 April 2011 15:13, Noah Mendelsohn <> wrote:
> The SOAP 1.2 specifications added features to allow use of
> application/soap+xml as a media type with HTTP GET as well as POST;
> unfortunately, those features were as far as I know not supported by the
> major implementations, and so are not in practice available to users. Had
> GET been supported, then HTTP caching should have worked in the normal
> manner, and indeed that would be one reason for supporting and using the
> feature.

You talk in the past tense; is it too late to hope that SOAP toolkits
bit get a bit more Webby?


(who always liked idea of SOAP messages as Web documents,

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 13:39:50 UTC