Summary of Issue 194 - encodingStyle

At the last telcon I took an action item to summarize the two perspectives
on issue 194[1].

The questions:

Q1: Where in the envelope is the encodingStyle attribute allowed?

Q2: Does the encodingStyle attribute apply to the element it appears on
*AND* descendants or *JUST* descendants?


The status quo:

A1: the encodingStyle is allowed on any element in the envelope.

A2: The encodingStyle applies to the element it appears on and descendants.

Note: The prose[2] and the schema[3] actually conflict. The schema does not
allow encoding style on Envelope or Header elements.


The proposals:

P1: Retain the status quo

P2: For Q1 - Disallow encodingStyle on Envelope and Header. For Q2 - keep
status quo.

P3: For Q1 - Disallow encodingStyle on Envelope, Header and Body. For Q2 -
keep status quo.

P4: For Q1 - Disallow encodingStyle on Envelope and Header. For Q2 - state
that the encodingStyle attribute only applies to the descendants of the
element it appears on.


The pros and cons:

P1: Pros: Requires little change to the spec ( schema changes to match
prose )

    Cons: encodingStyle does not make sense on the Envelope. Also doesn't
make sense on Header ( Header itself is not encoded according to an encoding
style, although the content may be ). Doesn't really make sense on Body (
Body itself is not encoded according to an encoding style, although the
content may be )

P2: Pros: Requires little change to the spec ( prose changes to match
schema )

    Cons: encodingStyle doesn't really make sense on Body ( Body itself is
not encoded according to an encoding style, although the content may be )

P3: Pros: Makes Envelope, Header and Body consistent.

    Cons: Requires change to both prose and schema.

P4: Pros: encodingStyle would make sense on Body.

    Cons: Changes scope of encodingStyle attribute. Raises question of what
the encoding style is for top-level element of a header block.




<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''
  <s:Header >
       I'm some data in a terminal node
        More data
    <m:Third soap:encodingStyle='' >
      <m:Data value='data' />
      <m:MoreData value='more data' />
  <s:Body >
    <r:MyRequest xmlns:r='' >
        I'm data in a terminal
        <otheredge>More data</otheredge>
      <r:Blob soap:encodingStyle=''>
        <parent data='hello'>
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />

Observations: Implies that Envelope, Header and Body are structs. What does
it mean to have an outbound edge ( Third or Blob ) marked with a different


<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''
            xmlns:m='' >
    <m:First soap:encodingStyle=''>
       I'm some data in a terminal node
    <m:Second soap:encodingStyle='' >
        More data
      <m:Data value='data' />
      <m:MoreData value='more data' />
  <s:Body soap:encodingStyle=''>
    <r:MyRequest xmlns:r='' >
        I'm data in a terminal
        <otheredge>More data</otheredge>
      <r:Blob soap:encodingStyle=''>
        <parent data='hello'>
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />

Observations: Implies Body is a struct. Could be solved by moving attribute
down onto MyRequest. What does it mean to have an outbound edge ( Blob )
marked with a different encodingStyle?


<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''
            xmlns:m='' >
    <m:First soap:encodingStyle='' >
       I'm some data in a terminal node
    <m:Second soap:encodingStyle='' >
        More data
    <m:Third >
      <m:Data value='data' />
      <m:MoreData value='more data' />
    <r:MyRequest xmlns:r=''

        I'm data in a terminal
        <otheredge>More data</otheredge>
      <r:Blob soap:encodingStyle=''>
        <data data='hello'>
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />

Observations: What does it mean to have an outbound edge ( Blob ) marked
with a different encodingStyle? Could move attribute down onto 'data'
element but then if this element is being described using a schema that
schema has to allow the encodingStyle attribute in order for validation to


<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''
            xmlns:m='' >
    <m:First soap:encodingStyle=''>
       I'm some data in a terminal node
    <m:Second soap:encodingStyle=''
        More data
    <m:Third >
      <m:Data value='data' />
      <m:MoreData value='more data' />
  <s:Body soap:encodingStyle=''>
    <r:MyRequest xmlns:r='' >
        I'm data in a terminal
        <otheredge>More data</otheredge>
      <r:Blob soap:encodingStyle=''>
        <parent data='hello'>
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />
          <child value='data' />

Observations: This works for Body, MyRequest is the struct. Blob is an
outbound edge ( encoding style is still soap-encoding ). Content of Blob has
no encoding style. This doesn't work so well for header blocks. What is the
encoding style of First and Second?


Right now I'd prefer P3, but I know that Henrik and I have been back and
forth over this several times and seem to go round in circles between P2 and
P4 :-(



Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 12:39:26 UTC