Re: Schema OID for IR-Explain-1 and IR-Extend-1?


I use for Schema Explain local OID IndexData (1.2.840.10003.13.1000.81.2)
for server ZooPARK. It is convenient, but it is not absolutely correct. In
opinion there is a mess not only with Explain and Extend.

Exist OID for RecordSyntax, for example, Unimarc, etc., but no RecordSyntax
for ISO2709.
But there is no Scheme "Unimarc". Whereas Unimarc is the Schema, instead of
RecordSyntax is ISO2709. All similar definitions MARC result in the big
inconvenience in
differentiation of concepts Schema and RecordSyntax.

Thanks,  Oleg Zhizhimov

Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2004 23:52:40 UTC