Re: Language Codes in Negotiation Record

Here is a reference that points to what may be all of the relavent 

Mike Taylor wrote:

>Ray and others,
>Having read the definition of the negotiation records for character
>set and language negotiation (version 3) at
>I'm trying to figure out what form language codes should take.  The
>ASN says "LanguageCode ::= GeneralString -- from ANSI Z39.53-1994",
>and Z39.53 seems to define a set of three-letter codes: see for
>but in describing language-code options in the ZOOM Abstract API, I
>would be more comfortable referencing an international standard than
>a NISO one.  And presumably ISO 23950 references an equivalent ISO
>standard at this point?
>Does anyone know what the equivalent ISO standard is?  (If there is
> _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
>/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <>
>)_v__/\  "The sugar-plums are rancid and the stockings are in flames"
>	 -- Spinal Tap, "Christmas with the Devil"
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William P. LaPlant, Jr.  |  4312 Birchlake Court; Alexandria, VA 22309-1208
Accessibility Engineer   |  Phones: 301-763-4887, home office: 703-360-9184
Technology Research Staff;   Statistical Research Div.;  U.S. Census Bureau
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Technology empowering miraculous lives. 

Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 18:24:09 UTC