Language Codes in Negotiation Record

Ray and others,

Having read the definition of the negotiation records for character
set and language negotiation (version 3) at
I'm trying to figure out what form language codes should take.  The
ASN says "LanguageCode ::= GeneralString -- from ANSI Z39.53-1994",
and Z39.53 seems to define a set of three-letter codes: see for
but in describing language-code options in the ZOOM Abstract API, I
would be more comfortable referencing an international standard than
a NISO one.  And presumably ISO 23950 references an equivalent ISO
standard at this point?

Does anyone know what the equivalent ISO standard is?  (If there is


 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <>
)_v__/\  "The sugar-plums are rancid and the stockings are in flames"
	 -- Spinal Tap, "Christmas with the Devil"

Listen to my wife's new CD of kids' music, _Child's Play_, at

Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 16:46:56 UTC