[ncipimp] NCIP-IG The NCIP Implemention Group (fwd)

Apologies to those of you who may have already seen this - but i thought
folks on this list would be interested in this


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:02:42 -0500
From: Frances McNamara <f-mcnamara@uchicago.edu>
Reply-To: ncipimp@zinfandel.lib.uchicago.edu
To: ncipimp@zinfandel.lib.uchicago.edu
Subject: [ncipimp] NCIP-IG The NCIP Implemention Group

NCIP-IG The NCIP Implemention Group was formed at a meeting of interested participants in Denver October 2-4, 2002.

The group was formed to provide a forum for discussion of technical issues involved in implementation of the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol, Z39.83.  The group will also work to accelerate implementation of the protocol, to promote NCIP and to provide education for implementors.  The group will offer to act as the advisory committee to the maintenance agency when it is appointed and will provide feedback and requirements from end users of the applications that use the standard.  In addition this group will continue to revise the 8 Application Profiles that were originally drafted by the Committee AT and will approve them in their final forms.

The group would also like to broaden its membership.  The listserv and discussions are open to all.  Visit http://lists.lib.uchicago.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncipimp  to sign up for this list.  Voting membership is open to organizations that are NCIP developers.  The organization designates an individual as representative.  Attendees at the inaugural meeting are members and include the following organizations:  3M, Endeavor, Epixtech, Ex Libris, Fretwell-Downing Informatics, Innovative Interfaces, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Relais, Sirsi, TLC.  To become a member of the NCIP-IG and organization should contact the chair, Frances McNamara, Head, Integrated Library Systems, University of Chicago Library  
f-mcnamara@uchicago.edu, 773-702-8465. 

Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 14:40:57 UTC