RE: Z39.50 character encoding

> I agree with Pieters view that the Unicode bit should not 
> apply to MARC records or other foreign records that are 
> carried inside the Z39.50 protocol. If you wish to negotiate 
> a specific encoding for such a carried record, we could make 
> an implementors agreement about carrying such information in 
> the OtherInformation of the Present APDU et al.

Either there or somewhere in the CompSpec...

A strength of Z39.50 is that its abstraction model seperates out the
structures involved in the query from those involved in record retrieval
(unlike XML Query for example where you are working in the same space in
terms of what you can search on and what you can retreive). So
seperating out Unicode from query and retrieval seems to fit in with
Z39.50's general nature and philosophy better.


Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 08:20:09 UTC