Sorry for the late notice, but I only today realised that until this
afternoon, the ZIG web site didn't specify the times for the tutorial
on Tuesday.  It will start at 9.30am, and is _scheduled_ to run all
day -- though in fact, Sebastian and I expect to finish well before
the nominal 5.30 end time, so people who want to get to the BIB-2
meeting as well will probably be able to do so.

Let me remind everyone that I will be distributing chocolate at the
tutorial (that's how keen we are to get numbers up!)  Also, for anyone
whose interest is tickled by the ZOOM work, some of what we hope to
demonstrate in the tutorial comes from the implementations of ZOOM, so
there's a potentially interesting tie-in.

Hope to see lots of you on Tuesday morning!

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor   <>
)_v__/\  I have a much better understanding now I haven't thought about
	 it so much.

Received on Friday, 28 September 2001 10:38:55 UTC