Conditional spaces vs. multi-column page-layout

Hello everyone,
I'm currently a bit confused by my XSL-FO processor's (RenderX) handling of conditional spaces (e.g. space-before.conditionality="discard") in respect to a multi-column page layout.
My expectations would have been such that a block definition similar the following should have cause the 10mm margin to be dropped (discarded) automatically at the top of each column (resp. that column's reference area):
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">    <fo:block space-before="10mm" space-before.conditionality="discard">        Blah    </fo:block>    <fo:block space-before="10mm" space-before.conditionality="discard">        Blub    </fo:block>    ....</fo:flow>
Unfortunately, it seems that this is only true if the block area in question is actually the first to appear on the overall page. Because of that, I am guessing that the conditionality itself is only applied to areas immediately following page breaks (and not column breaks, as I initially assumed). 
Any idea how I can still cause these space-related constraints to be discarded at the top of each column?

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 22:48:07 UTC