Re: fo:inline causing text to write over the top of existing text

On 30/05/07, Cory Aadland <> wrote:

> (This is the line from my stylesheet that copies everything below the fo:root and places it in a table defined prior to this)

So... you have a full xsl-fo instance, complete with it's own fo:root
containing an fo:table....
and you then write another root into that table?

I was going to ask which implementation you were using, but I guess most
implementations would get pretty confused with multiple roots.

You need to add fo:blocks in the appropriate place.
Generate a single document instance in the fo: namespace, validate if you can,
then see how to manually add extra paragraphs - initially without them being
in a table.
Once you've done that, then fix your transform to add content.


Dave Pawson

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2007 07:08:41 UTC