Re: region-before getting too big

Thanks--that's what I thought. Nothing in the tutorials I've read said anything 
  about auto-increasing the size.

Jeremias Maerki <> wrote:  
No, XSL-FO doesn't allow this. The 1.1 spec says in 6.4.15 fo:region-before:
"The block-progression-dimension of the region-viewport-area is
determined by the extent trait on the fo:region-before formatting object."

The "extent" property specifies an fixed length for the region-before.

Jeremias Maerki

On 28.07.2007 20:42:30 Ken wrote:
> I'm using region-before for running header text. If I have text that
> wraps, it increases the size of the region and pushes it into the
> region-body, which writes on top of it. Is there a way of changeing
> region-before's extent dynamically, or telling region-body to get out
> of the way if necessary? Thanks.

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Received on Sunday, 29 July 2007 18:22:36 UTC