Re: linking stylesheets...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "G. Ken Holman" <>

> At 2003-06-12 10:57 -0500, Mike Haarman wrote:

> >xsl:include incorporates another stylesheet at the point of reference, is not
> >constrained to the top-level and can thus be used in a switch.
> My understanding is that in XSLT 1.0 the above statement is not
> true:  Section 2.6.1 states "The xsl:include element is only allowed as a
> top-level element".

My bad.  Sorry to have misled anyone.  The intent of my guidance is still
salient: that includes are a textual inclusion at the reference point in the
stylesheet.  I had forgotten that that point is constrained to be at the top

I almost took the time to verify.  I will next time.


Received on Thursday, 12 June 2003 16:02:55 UTC