Re: linking stylesheets...

At 2003-06-12 10:57 -0500, Mike Haarman wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ryan Caruso" <>
> > simply want to be able to have multiple stylesheets and  call the ones I
> > need from a "main" style sheet?
>The top level instruction xsl:import is typically used for this:
>Because imports are top level elements, you cannot wrap imports in testing
>blocks to switch on particular imports.
>xsl:include incorporates another stylesheet at the point of reference, is not
>constrained to the top-level and can thus be used in a switch.

My understanding is that in XSLT 1.0 the above statement is not 
true:  Section 2.6.1 states "The xsl:include element is only allowed as a 
top-level element".

The entire set of top-level constructs must be fully resolved before the 
source node tree can be created from the source file ... thus it is not 
possible for any kind of stylesheet fragment inclusion to happen during the 
processing of the source file nodes.

I hope this helps.

................. Ken

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Received on Thursday, 12 June 2003 12:28:35 UTC