Re: Newbie needs a hint

Hi Cristoph,
Please reply to the list next time so that everybody
can read and contribute.

At 13:50 19.03.01, you wrote:

>             <xsl:for-each select="ORDERS02/IDOC/E1EDKA1">
>                <tr>
>                  <th>LIFNR</th>
>                  <th bgcolor="yellow">Lieferanten-Nr..</th>
>                  <td>
>                    <xsl:value-of select="LIFNR"/>
>                  </td>
>                </tr>

There is the mistake. You select each ORDERS02/IDOC/E1EDKA1
and put the data in the table.
What you dont do is check if the value is really in the document.
like this:

<xsl:if test="LIFNR">
>                <tr>
>                  <th>LIFNR</th>
>                  <th bgcolor="yellow">Lieferanten-Nr..</th>
>                  <td>
>                    <xsl:value-of select="LIFNR"/>
>                  </td>
>                </tr>


Enrico Horn

Received on Monday, 19 March 2001 09:45:08 UTC