Bugs in the current test suite

I found the following problems in the current test suite.

> <xsd:complexType name="attRef">
>    <xsd:attribute name="ca1"/>
>    <xsd:attribute name="ca2"/>
>    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="x:attG"/>
*    <xsd:attribute ref="ga2"/>
> </xsd:complexType>

 a bug in the test case. This should be:

    <xsd:attribute ref="x:ga2"/>

> <xsd:complexType name="attRef">
>    <xsd:attribute name="ca1"/>
>    <xsd:attribute name="ca2"/>
>    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="x:attG"/>
*    <xsd:attribute ref="x:ga2"/>
> </xsd:complexType>

 The above '*' line should be

     <xsd:attribute ref="x:ga1"/>

attP027.xsd & attP027.xml

Is this test correct? I guess attP027.xml should be

<x:elem x:foo="38"/>

rather than

<x:elem x:foo1="38"/>

Compared to several other similar tests (for example, attP024,25,26,28
and 29), this one looks strange.

attP030.xsd & attP031.xsd
looks like they are the same test.

The documentation of attP031.xsd seems to suggest that attP031.xml
should be

<x:elem />

XSV fails to parse them but the reason is "unable to open a file",
which is strange. There are other test cases where XSV fails in the same

Doesn't make much sense unless we try to substitute this element.

A file "stA003b.xsd" is missing.

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                          +1 650 786 0721
Sun Microsystems                   kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com

Received on Friday, 14 September 2001 22:17:30 UTC