Fwd: XSLT, XPath + XPointer menus

>X-Sender: tapio1@gamma.nic.fi
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.5 (32)
>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 20:52:34 +0200
>To: elm@East.Sun.COM
>From: Tapio Markula <tapio1@gamma.nic.fi>
>Subject: XSLT, XPath + XPointer menus
>I have tried to create new menus to HTML-Kit. Last XSLT, which is combination
>of XSTL + XPath recommendation. XPointer has just few extensions, which
>could be added to it. But some matters in XPointer working draft is not clear.
>xpointer() - is it a function???  Mentioned like this:
>xpointer(id("chap1")) ??
>Exist there point() ??? Mentioned like this:
>Two new location types, point and range,
>There is clearly expressed range() and written about point,
>but not any function named to point.
>New Funtions compared to XPath
>point() ??
>node-point, character point ???
>xpointer(... ???
>range( location-set )
>range-inside( location-set )
>here( )
>start-point( location-set )
>end-point( location-set )
>I have tried to create new menus to HTML-Kit. Last XSLT, which is combination
>of XSTL + XPath recommendation. XPointer has just few extensions, which
>could be added to it.
>  __ Tapio Markula, expert on
>¦__¦__ Cascading
>¦__¦__¦__ Style
>¦__¦__¦__¦   Sheets
>E:mail: tapio.markula@nic.fi
>http://www.nic.fi/~tapio1/index.html (Finnish)
>http://www.nic.fi/~tapio1/index_e.html (English)
>http://www.nic.fi/~tapio1/Teaching/ (CSS tutorial)

Eve Maler            Sun Microsystems
elm @ east.sun.com    +1 781 442 3190

Received on Friday, 28 January 2000 14:06:22 UTC