Re: XML 1.1 CR comment response for Tang-02

Paul Grosso wrote:

>In response to your email to the XML 1.1 CR recorded at
>the XML Core WG generated, discussed, and resolved the follow issue:
>Issue Tang-02:
>Noncharacters for the NameStartChar production
>Summary resolution: accepted-in-part
>There are three suggestions here including (1) a change involving plane zero,
>(2) a change involving all planes, and (3) a change involving plane 14 (Exxxx).
>We accept the change involving plane zero. 

>We reject the changes involving all
>planes and that involving plane 14 on the basis that these entail an implementation
>overhead and spec complexity that is too great for the very small benefit.
I can understand why you think 2 and 3 will "entail an implementation 
overhead and that is too great for the very small benefit", but that is 
really who defined the Unicode should worry about, not the XML author, 

Also, (3) itself won't increase your spec complexity at all.

currently, it said

 [2]     Char    ::=    #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#x7E] | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF]
                      | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]

if you take (3), it will replace the


part with

[#x10000-#xDFFFF] | [#xF0000-#x10FFFF]

>Please let us know whether you accept our resolution of our comment,
>or wish to have an objection formally recorded.  If we do not hear
>from you within 10 days we will assume that you accept our response
>(though we would prefer to hear from you in any case if practical).
>Thank you for your interest in the XML 1.1.
>Paul Grosso
>for the XML Core WG 


Frank Yung-Fong Tang
AIM: yungfongta
ICQ: 124511219
Yahoo! Messanger: frankyungfongtan

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 19:28:32 UTC