Re: XKMS and X509v3 attributes, where to put them in?

Dear Stephen,

Stephen Farrell wrote:
> Manuel Gil Perez wrote:
>> Dear Michael, XKMS folks,
>> X509v3 certificates cannot contain any privilege (in your case, a role 
>> name) belongs to an end identity. A X509v3 certificate only links 
>> statically a public key with a specific identity, not privileges. For 
>> fix this "problem", IETF-PKIX WG defined a new structure called "X.509 
>> Attribute Certificate" (RFC 3281) to associate privileges to a 
>> specific identity. The section 4.4.5 of that RFC defines how 
>> define/include a role name.
> Attribute certificates existed well before the PKIX profile and are
> part of X.509.
> There is also no reason at all why a public key certificate cannot
> contain privilege data like roles - sometimes that's better and
> sometimes its better to use an AC.

I agree with you, and more since I'm talking with the XKMS and AC 
creator :). I agree if you need to store a static/long-term role name 
into you PKC; that is, this role name will be bound to your identity 
during all time this is alive. But I prefer to use an AC to store this 
role name. Identities usually grant a privilege during a short time, and 
possibly it will be able to be granted/denied at any moment.

It is just my opinion.

>> IMHO, my advise is that we/you should try to extend the current XKMS 
>> services to support this new kind of certificates, and so provide a 
>> new PKIX service (privileges) to the users.
> Disagree.
> The xkms client must not have to know whether there's any X.509 PKCs or
> ACs anywhere, or else why are you using XKMS? So while it does make
> sense to think about including/linking simple privilege data to XKMS it
> does not, IMO, make sense to try "support" X.509 ACs in XKMS. If you
> want that kind of privilege handling use SAML.

Of course, SAML could be an alternative for exchanging authentication 
and authorization data; AC could be another one, and so on.

I agree with you that the XKMS client must not have to know the specific 
details about whether he is using a PKC or an AC; but in this sense, the 
XKMS server does have to know the differences between them and 
when/where use one or the other.


Manuel Gil Perez

University of Murcia, SPAIN

Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 08:57:09 UTC