Re: Comments on Aug 1 Spec

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 10:55 am, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
> >
> > It'd be the nice if the IDs for sections and defined words were human
> > grokkable instead of: id="Auto631643354419997500Z442".
> I'll tell the vendor of the auto numberer but I doubt that any new
> release is planned for some time.

I've attached a xslt that does most of the brunt work in rationalizing the 
id/names for H? elements. It removes the auto-numbers and generates new 
names based on the text() of the H? element. If the H element was 
particularly long or had some funky characters so does the id, these can 
easily be regexp'd out and the id's length manually tweaked. Once that's 
done, I can also whip up an xslt for the TOC if you want.

(Of course, once you do this, I hope your app is capable of editing xhtml 
<smile/>. If it's the line numbering you want, this can be done with 
capable CSS2 apps:
    P:before {    
      content: counter(paragraph) ". " ;
        counter-increment: paragraph 

Opera's the only one (on Linux) that does it so far.)

Received on Friday, 30 August 2002 16:00:19 UTC